I was really inspired by the Conditional Design workshop that I took part in as it opened my mind to the various possibitlities that could be created. Therefore I wanted to expore it further for my Final project. I wanted to challenge myself by creating a font through the use of set rules and 3 players. The media that I chose to use was coloured tape as I found this would allow the players to be more accurate when placing their lines and consider the typeface being created (using only horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines).
Here, the practise game is being played where each player takes a turn to draw a line in order to successfully complete the letter. Which ever player completes the letter gains a score.
The Completed Game
Developing the Conditional Design into a free typeface

1. Write the alphabet A-Z (Capitals)
2. Using thin colored tape, each player is to stick to a specific colour.
3. Each player is to keep its line in between restricted degree

Red : 0-45
Blue: 45-135
Green:135 -180
Throughout my research I explored different type of Conditional Design outcomes:
The goal is to write the words: conditional nationality
The worker with the red pen may only draw lines from the center of another (red or blue) line with a 90 degree angle. The length of the line and the line from which it is drawn may be decided by the worker.
The worker with the blue pen may connect any two end points of two lines.
The workers perform their rules one after another until all the letters have been written.
I wanted to try two different softwares for exploration

Font forge:
Wiki Commons Link: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Conditional_Design_Typeface.jpg